
Second Chance for Kids

A non-porfit 501(c)(3) public charity

Second Chance for Kids is redescovering and reporpusing drugs that are already FDA-approved and in use, but being used to treat other disorders. This is called "drug repurposing" and is economically more viable and more effecient then developing new drugs. There are children with cancer fighting for their lives as you read this who don't have time to wait for a new miriacle drug to help them. These children need help now. When you support us, you stand up aginst child hood cancer, you give these kids, a second chance.

Behind the research

Sucess in Treatment

5 year-old girl 

Diagnosed with recurrent leukemi 

When treated with what was intially an anti-malarial drug, her leukemic cells completly dissapeared., even after a bone marrow transplat. This childs life was saved thanks to the work done through drug reporposing

Two 15 year-old girls

Both Diagnosed with acute Promyelocytic Leukemia

One girl, treated 15 years ago with chemotherapy - lost her hair, had fevers and painful mouth sores so bad she couldn't even go to school and ended up needing a bone marrow transplant. The second girl, treated with vitamin A and arsenic never lost her hair. She goes to school. She plays on the soccer team. She has a 99% chance of recovery. Drug repoposing is not only cure, it is a chance at a normal and happy life.

6 year-old girl

IWidespread Neuroblastoma

Unfortunatly, acquired a parasitic disease, but when treated with the anti-;arasitic drug, her neuroblastoma dissapeared. Miricles like these don't have to be a one in a million chance. Through drug reporpusing, we can turn these mirricles into medicine